Skin to skin is an age old practice, but it's only recently that we've come to understand just how powerful it really is. Whether you're a new parent or you've got a busy toddler, those precious snuggles offer a multitude of benefits for both you and your little one. Let's have a look at some of the magic of skin to skin for both newborns and toddlers!
1. Regulates Temperature
Babies aren't the best at regulating their own body temperatures, but when placed on your chest, your body acts like a natural incubator, warming or cooling them as needed.
2. Regulates Heart Rate and Breathing
Holding your baby close helps them to synchronise their heart rate and breathing with yours. This co-regulation is especially important in those early days when their systems are still maturing.
3. Boosts Milk Supply if Breastfeeding
Skin to skin stimulates the production of prolactin and oxytocin, two hormones involved in producing and releasing milk. This not only boosts your milk supply but also helps with the overall breastfeeding experience, as it can help babies when they're learning to latch.
4. Boost Oxytocin
Although mentioned above this deserves its own paragraph, because even if you're not breastfeeding we still want lots of that oxytocin flowing, and skin to skin is the perfect way to achieve that! Skin to skin encourages the release of oxytocin (often called the "love hormone") in both you and your baby! This helps with attachment and bonding, promoting feelings of love and security between the two of you and creating a deep connection.
5. Stimulates Immunity
Your skin carries beneficial bacteria that help kickstart your baby’s immune system. This early exposure helps them to build their immune system so that they can become more resilient at fighting off infections.
6. Supports Early Cognitive Development
The close contact (and often the interaction that also occurs) provides an early sensory input that stimulates your baby's brain, supporting their cognitive development.
7. Reduced Postnatal Anxiety and Postnatal Depression (PND)
That all important release of oxytocin helps to reduce stress and anxiety which can be far too common in those often overwhelming early weeks and months! Even just a small amount per day can make a big difference in your mood and mental health.
8. Supports Sleep Cycles
Skin to skin helps to regulate your baby's sleep patterns. The close proximity to your heartbeat and also the warmth of your body helps them feel safe and therefore drift into a more restful sleep (and this can in turn ensure you get some much needed rest!).
Benefits of Skin to Skin in Toddlers
9. Provides comfort
As your baby grows into a toddler, skin to skin remains a huge source of comfort. Whether they're poorly or just need a bit of extra love, those snuggles can make so much difference.
10. Reduces Cortisol and Boosts Oxytocin
Toddlers can have big emotions, and skin to skin can be a wonderful way to help them feel calm and start to learn to regulate their emotions. The oxytocin boost and reduction in cortisol (the stress hormone) can help both of you to relax and connect skin-to-skin contact is a wonderful way to calm them down. The boost in oxytocin and reduction in cortisol (the stress hormone) helps both of you relax and connect, therefore reducing those tantrums.
11. Continues to Promote Breastfeeding and Healthy Milk Supply
For those continuing to breastfeed, skin to skin remains important as it helps to maintain the milk supply and supports the breastfeeding relationship.
From those very first newborn cuddles to the whirlwind toddler days, skin to skin is a simple but hugely effective way to build your bond with your baby and protect both of your mental health and wellbeing. So next time you're feeling a bit overwhelmed or little one needs some comfort, try and remember that sometimes the best thing for either of you is to hold each other close.